2022 CollegeSource Annual Conference Reminders

by | May 10, 2022 | News


Latest Update for the 2022 CollegeSource Annual Conference

After two years of virtual conferences, our team is counting down the days until we see everyone in San Diego, CA, again for the 2022 CollegeSource Annual Conference! While you are packing sunscreen, booking flights, and preparing your colleagues for all the expertise you are about to soak up and bring back, there are a few more things we do not want you to forget about. After so long away, we could all use a few reminders!

1. Submit your nomination for the Sourcies.

We are still accepting nominations for the 5th annual CollegeSource Best Practices Awards. (We affectionately refer to them as The Sourcies!) Our Best Practices Awards recognize schools and organizations in our user community that are doing remarkable things with CollegeSource products.

2. If you haven’t already, register for the conference!

Zoom networking cannot compare to our lively networking lunch and evening events. We are ready and excited to train, connect, and have fun in person once again! Spots are limited in San Diego this June, so do not hesitate to register you and your colleagues ASAP!

We understand that some may not be able to make it in person, so we will be hosting a virtual conference format the following month for attendees to participate remotely.

Visit Conference Website

3. Submit a question for the panel discussions.

Each year at the annual conference we look for ways to highlight the successes and challenges of our user community, and one of the best ways to do that is to get your input! Our experts want to answer your questions and tackle any challenges you may have. Submit your questions now for the uAchieve Cloud, Transferology, or Client Advisory Board panels and get answers during the conference.

Questions about uAchieve Cloud – Ask the Experts
A panel of CollegeSource staff experts will be available to answer any questions you may have regarding the uAchieve cloud, from encoding to security to implementation. A recording of this panel session will be available to virtual conference attendees.

Transferology Expert Panel – Ask the Clients
Transferology and Transferology Lab experts from a 4-year, 2-year, Private, and State Licensure will share their knowledge and experience as they answer attendees’ questions. The recording of this panel session will also be available to virtual conference attendees.

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Client Advisory Board (CAB) Respond and Share Panels
Join the CAB for the Respond and Share panels as they address issues, questions, and feedback submitted by the CollegeSource user community. The CAB will be split into two panels: Degree Achievement (uAchieve Degree Audit, uAchieve Planner, and Schedmule) and Transfer Solutions (TES and Transferology). These panels will be available at both in-person and virtual conferences.

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