Learn about the changes coming to uAchieve 5.2.1, including accessibility updates and exciting improvements to Planner.
This month: Changes coming to multifactor authenticated login in TES and the Transferology Lab
The multifactor authentication (MFA) process is being streamlined for TES and the Transferology Lab. Learn more about the changes arriving this month.
Transferology Updates arriving December 2024
Transferology is scheduled for release on December 3, 2024. This release will contain over 160 enhancements and improvements to Transferology and the Transferology Lab, with a focus on greater accessibility.
Coming in November: uAchieve 5.2
uAchieve 5.2 will contain almost 250 enhancements and improvements to the degree audit, academic planning, and student schedule solution. Its primary focus is creating a streamlined, more efficient course catalog indexing process.
Transferology 1.9.6: Coming this month, July 2024
Transferology 1.9.6 was released on July 16, 2024, and contains almost 400 enhancements to the student and staff applications. View notable highlights and register for our upcoming webinar to learn more.