Training & certifications
Professional development opportunities for users

All the training you need
We want you to excel with our software, so we offer a range of training resources to get you up to speed. Choose the method from the options below that is best for you, or contact us to discuss a customized, blended approach.
Free webinars
Learn tips, tricks, and best practices from our in-house experts at our weekly live webinars. We cover a range of topics from basic demonstrations to specific feature overviews and new release tours. If you have an hour, these webinars provide great insight on how to use our products with Q&A at the end.
Or if you prefer to watch now, tune in to our introductory on-demand demos.
Training courses
Participate in our intensive training courses for uAchieve and TES that take place in person or virtually, and lead to certification. For uAchieve training courses, we host in-depth, instructor-led courses throughout the year on basic- and intermediate-level encoding topics, as well as self-paced programs on Basic Encoding or Transfer Articulation. For TES training courses, we offer rigorous programs resulting in Basic or Administrator certification.
Annual conference
Hundreds of users and CollegeSource staff gather annually for this intense 4-day workshop to share successes, boost skills, and network with peers. Held in mid-to-late June, the annual conference is a truly unique opportunity to connect and collaborate with fellow users and spend one-on-one time with our staff.
Knowledge base and tutorial videos
Help documentation in the Support Center is designed to help users in a step-by-step, easy-to-read format that includes screenshots and links to related articles for easy navigation. Within the help documentation are TES videos and Transferology videos that feature quick tutorials of various functions.
Support issues
In the TES and Transferology apps and knowledge bases, our help widgets at the bottom of each window provide a quick way to find relevant help documentation and contact support staff. For uAchieve, users can submit and track the progress of issues and enhancement requests in the Issue Tracker. Other product help requests and feedback can be sent to CollegeSource through our Contact page.
uAchieve mentorship
The Encoding Mentorship Program was created to help staff at institutions understand the reasoning behind and learn to maintain inherited encoding. For 6 or 12 months, participants will be provided a dedicated Functional Implementation Specialist for guidance. The program is not designed to replace training courses but to aid in understanding the existing encoding.
Supplemental user guides for uAchieve
We offer abridged uAchieve training materials for users to reference and keep up on new and improved functionality. Our PDF Guides include written objectives, concepts, and processes; commonly used field settings; and best practice recommendations.
Community sessions
Check out our Transfer Week Webinar Series where we hear from transfer professionals on various transfer topics. Plus, join us for a virtual Pop-Up Chat to discuss uAchieve best practices with fellow degree audit users. We announce upcoming chats on our website and social media.
Based on an individual’s training record and experience, we offer certifications for TES Basic, TES Administrator, Transferology Administrator, uAchieve Degree Audit Encoder, and uAchieve Transfer Articulation Encoder. See below for complete details including requirements and how to sign up.

Get certified with CollegeSource
To recognize our most experienced and active members, we offer certification programs for our TES, Transferology, and uAchieve/DARwin users. Five certifications are available based on an individual’s training record and experience: TES Basic, TES Administrator, Transferology Administrator, uAchieve Degree Audit Encoder, and uAchieve Transfer Articulation Encoder.
View available TES, Transferology, and uAchieve certification opportunities and their requirements below.
TES certification opportunities
CollegeSource offers a certification program as a professional development opportunity to our transfer credit evaluation community. This program will be administered and maintained by CollegeSource to provide a roster of certified transfer professionals who have attended a TES Basic or TES Administrator Certification workshop.
Two types of TES certification are offered:
TES Basic Certification
TES Administrator Certification
Certified transfer professionals will receive a digital signed certificate, digital badge, and will be listed on the CollegeSource website. Certification will last for two years, at which point it may be renewed based on meeting the continuing certification criteria.
To become certified
User must have attended the appropriate TES training course and completed all required course assignments.
To maintain certification beyond two years
Individuals will be expected to continue professional development with CollegeSource in three areas:
- Investment: Attend at least two CollegeSource TES-related webinars annually or the CollegeSource Annual Conference at least once every two years.
- Service: Participate in at least one of the following community-based services:
- Serve on the CollegeSource Client Advisory Board (CAB).
- Present at the CollegeSource Annual Conference.
- Represent CollegeSource solutions with presentations at other conferences.
- Participate in applicable CollegeSource beta tests.
- Answer community questions on the Questions site in the Support Center.
- Experience: Maintain a position that requires active use of TES.
- Service: Participate in at least one of the following community-based services:
Certified administrators will be contacted by CollegeSource when it is time to renew their certification and will be asked to submit proof of activity in the above areas, including dates, times, presentation titles, etc., as appropriate.
Transferology certification opportunities
CollegeSource now offers the Transferology Administrator Certification as a professional development opportunity to our transfer credit evaluation community. This program will be administered at the CollegeSource Annual Conference.
One certification option available:
Transferology Administrator Certification
Certified transfer professionals will receive a signed certificate, digital badge, and will be listed on the CollegeSource website. Certification will last for two years, at which point it may be renewed based on meeting the continuing certification criteria.
To become certified
User must have attended the Transferology Administrator Certification course and completed all required course assignments.
To maintain certification beyond two years
Individuals will be expected to continue professional development with CollegeSource in three areas:
- Investment: Attend at least two CollegeSource Transferology-related webinars annually or the CollegeSource Annual Conference at least once every two years.
- Service: Participate in at least one of the following community-based services:
- Serve on the CollegeSource Client Advisory Board (CAB).
- Present at the CollegeSource Annual Conference.
- Represent CollegeSource solutions with presentations at other conferences.
- Participate in applicable CollegeSource beta tests.
- Answer community questions on the Questions site in the Support Center.
- Experience: Maintain a position that requires active use of Transferology.
- Service: Participate in at least one of the following community-based services:
Certified administrators will be contacted by CollegeSource when it is time to renew their certification and will be asked to submit proof of activity in the above areas, including dates, times, presentation titles, etc., as appropriate.
uAchieve certification opportunities
CollegeSource offers a certification program as a professional development opportunity to our degree audit encoding community. This program will be administered and maintained by CollegeSource to provide a roster of certified encoders with active encoding experience in an institution using uAchieve and who have attended Basic and Intermediate (where available) workshop training in their area of expertise (audit or transfer articulation encoding).
Two types of uAchieve certification are offered:
uAchieve Degree Audit Encoder Certification
uAchieve Transfer Articulation Encoder Certification
Certified encoders will receive a digital signed certificate, digital badge, and will be listed on the CollegeSource website. Certification will last for five years, at which point it may be renewed based on meeting the continuing certification criteria.
To become certified
Users must fill out and submit an application form with proof of the following:
- Training: Encoder must have completed the appropriate uAchieve training course(s); Both uAchieve Basic and Intermediate encoding training for the Degree Audit Encoder Certification, or the uAchieve Transfer Articulation encoding training for the Transfer Articulation Encoder Certification*.
- Experience: Encoder must have been actively encoding for at least two years.
To maintain certification
Encoders will be expected to continue professional development training as needed and participate in service to the good of the encoding community, as follows:
- Investment: Certified encoders must attend at least one training course or CollegeSource Annual Conference every two years.
- Service: Certified encoders are encouraged to participate in at least one of the following community-based services:
- Answer community questions on the Forums.
- Present at the CollegeSource Annual Conference.
- Represent CollegeSource solutions at other conferences.
- Serve on the CollegeSource Client Advisory Board (CAB).
- Participate in applicable CollegeSource beta tests.
- Experience: Certified encoders must have been actively encoding since earning their certification.
- Service: Certified encoders are encouraged to participate in at least one of the following community-based services:
*Individuals who have never attended CollegeSource training but have been encoding for more than ten years may provide evidence of such encoding work history with two references and evidence of community service (see Service subheading above) in place of the training requirement.