A message from the President of CollegeSource, Troy Holaday—
Greetings to all of you hardworking professionals out there using CollegeSource products to influence higher education experiences for the better! We appreciate what you do and we want you to know that we are not resting on our laurels in 2020, though 2019 was truly a good year for us.
In 2019, Transferology reached double the number of institutions participating in the network since its inception nearly five years ago. We picked up some significant new state and system-wide projects. (For example, we have implemented Transferology in the University of Wisconsin and Wisconsin Technical and Community College Systems and are adding uAchieve Planner to the Minnesota State Colleges & Universities offerings for students.) Once again we saw remarkable growth in the number of institutions utilizing TES, the Transfer Evaluation System. Stories about these and other achievements will be shared throughout the year and at our Annual Conference.
The first month of a new year, however, isn’t the time for hindsight. Let’s talk about 2020.
The theme for this year is Support and Success.
Goal: To amplify the support we offer to people who use our software to make a difference.
Each year users pay maintenance or subscription guaranteeing that some of our best time and effort at CollegeSource go into answering your questions, fixing reported bugs, improving system performance, connecting you with critical resources, providing you with opportunities for professional development, and more. We will be doing some re-organizing early this year to enhance our policy and processes related to responding to client needs. This means faster responses, more and better documentation, abundant opportunities for webinars and other training, and generally more attention to client conditions, challenges, and creative solutions.
Goal: To make extra efforts to ensure client project success!
Your success is our success, now and in the future. We have a number of large projects on our plate right now and a handful of clients who were first with uAchieve in the cloud. We are going to be going the extra mile on our direct work with clients such as these throughout the year, devoting additional hours and resources to problems. These will be extras, beyond the work that we have already agreed to do for support. We feel like throwing our shoulder into clients’ efforts may be the best “sales” strategy we have. Not only do we get opportunities to experience the work firsthand, we also get a sense of accomplishment when your work – and ours – pays off. We fulfill our mission when you help “maximize human potential” by graduating students who are well-rounded, informed, and employable.
We know that “word gets around.” Clients talk to other clients, and we want them to hear good things about us from you all!
We are looking forward to serving you in 2020. Let’s do great things, together.