The CollegeSource Annual Conference will take place in late June 2022. While we are still ironing out the details of what the next annual conference will look like, we are in a place to begin working on the agenda. Each year, we spend this time gathering topics for sessions that best fit the needs of our user community based on where our products stand today, the current climate of higher education, and suggestions from our individual users.
Topics at the Conference
Is there a topic you would like to see on the agenda in June? If so, please take a moment to suggest a session or pre-conference workshop topic below. For context, a general session takes place during the conference week and is 45 minutes in length. Pre-conference sessions provide in-depth training on specific product features, are 2-3 hours, and take place before the conference.
This is your chance to ensure the conference is tailor-made for you, so please submit your suggestion! Pre-conference and session topic suggestions will be accepted through Friday, February 25th, 2022.
Suggest a Topic
Sourcie Nominations Are Open
Additionally, we are seeking nominations for our annual best practices awards known as the Sourcies. The award program was created to recognize schools and organizations in our user community doing remarkable things with CollegeSource products and are handed out during our annual conference. Nominate your own school or any organization you know that is finding great success for the staff and students of Higher Ed. This year’s winners included:
Jefferson Community and Technical College
Superior Work in Supporting Statewide Transfer
Metropolitan State University
Best Holistic Model for Transfer Student Success
California State University, San Bernardino
Innovation in Degree Achievement Solutions
Who is eligible? Any college, university, or organization using one or more CollegeSource products. We will be accepting submissions now through Friday, May 20th, 2022.
Submit Sourcie Nomination
Watch your inbox! More information on the 2022 CollegeSource Annual Conference will be available in the coming months.