uAchieve encoding support available today with our mentorship program

by | Sep 18, 2024 | News, Training

A personalized approach to encoding

uAchieve Encoding Mentorship

In higher education, staffing changes can disrupt degree audit processes. Retirement, promotions, and major life events are all among the many reasons staff members depart, often taking years of collected knowledge and expertise with them. Unfortunately, this knowledge and expertise can be difficult, if not impossible, to pass along to the remaining staff in a short period of time. We have found this to be especially true for degree audit encoders who have developed a deep knowledge of the encoding patterns and practices used by their institution.

The uAchieve Encoding Mentorship was developed to help mitigate situations where departing staff may not have the opportunity to cover all the information needed to help the new encoder understand the nuances of their institution’s encoding, such as duplicate policy and grading schema, condition code usage, common exception requests, etc. We invite you to wrap up your year with one of these unique opportunities, which will help you hit the ground running in 2025.

What’s included?

CollegeSource’s Functional Implementation Specialists created the Encoding Mentorship program specifically to aid staff members in starting to maintain their institution’s degree audit. This program is not designed to replace training, and those wishing to participate in it must have completed uAchieve encoding training prior to starting the program.

Institutions can choose between a six or twelve-month mentorship with a CollegeSource Functional Implementation Specialist. During this mentorship, CollegeSource will provide:

    • Monthly hour-long virtual meetings to discuss encoding, the types of issues/challenges you are currently facing, and to set priorities on what guidance may be needed for the rest of the month.
    • Up to 4 hours of additional assistance/working session(s) throughout the month, as requested.
    • Direct support, eliminating the need to submit help tickets or rely solely on support documentation.

Pricing is $6,500 per person for a 6-month mentorship or $12,750 for 12 months.

Contact us to get started

If you are interested in learning more about the Encoding Mentorship program and how it can help staff at your institution be better positioned for success, please contact us below.

Client testimonials

Here’s what participants in the uAchieve Encoding Mentorship have to say about their experience:

“I’m so grateful for the professional development opportunity that was given to me through my CollegeSource mentorship. I was able to compile issues I was having, along with examples, prior to the meetings with my mentor, so we were able to work through them together.  My mentor provided me with new ways to troubleshoot and solve the issues I was having, which has now given me the ability and confidence to solve issues on my own.  I would highly recommend this mentorship program to anyone who may be new to encoding and wants to learn more about their currently established system.”

–Jenna Peters, Degree Planning & Audit Reporting System Specialist
Minnesota State University Mankato

“Our university’s experience with the uAchieve Encoding Mentorship program was completely positive. The personalized training that our new encoder received was instrumental in her understanding of our existing encoding. It allowed the ability to adjust current encoding as needed, as well as develop encoding for new programs. This was all facilitated in a manner that integrated established practices while also incorporating the suggestions of a trainer with the expertise to evaluate our needs in the context of current best practices. This mentorship allowed our encoder to significantly advance her general skills while simultaneously receiving support in solving some very complicated, specific, and pressing issues.  The return on the financial investment was significant and allowed us to continue serving our students with a high-quality degree audit.”

–Hollie Stanley, Interim Director of Registration and Academic Records
Minnesota State University Mankato

“I would highly recommend the mentorship program! I feel it should be a must for any new encoder inheriting a system! The mentorship program guided me through a deep dive exploration and understanding of our institution’s complex curriculum and taught me how to navigate it through encoding. We were able to do a lot of cleanup and modifications that enhanced the efficiency and accuracy of our degree audits. I really cannot envision learning how to maintain our complex encoding without the mentorship program. It is an invaluable program, and my mentor was an amazing guide into the degree auditing world!”

–Dominique Mackenzie, SIS Business Analyst
Trinity University

Additional uAchieve training opportunity

Don’t forget, our new and improved virtual encoding workshop will begin soon on September 30. The uAchieve Encoding Workshop offers a blended training approach, combining individual learning with guided hands-on practice and exercises provided by trainers with real-world degree audit encoding experience. Learn more about the workshop and register here.


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