Product Updates- August 2013

by | Sep 6, 2013 | Product announcements

uAchieve 4.5.1 - Product Updatesu.achieve® 4.1.4
The u.achieve 4.1.4 release contains several corrections to audit processing and reporting. The release also includes an enhancement that allows you to suppress the display of credit on a pseudo course using MATCHCTL of S on the Accept line.® 4.1.4
The 4.1.4 release includes an update to the Yahoo! User Interface (YUI) library, giving us support for drag and drop functionality on tablets. It also included several enhancements relating to Section 508 compliance.
TES 3.0® beta
The beta for date-ranged equivalencies and other enhancements to TES was made available to users this month. The full 3.0 release will occur on September 13th, replacing the current iteration of TES. If you have questions about how this will impact you, or just want to see a summary of new features, please read this announcement.
Please visit our Support Center for detailed release information:
u.achieve 4.1.4 release notes 4.1.4 release notes