The Transfer Specialist role includes several features that support an institution’s ability to enhance and refine their collection of equivalencies. One of the best of those tools is the Unknown Equivalencies report.
When students with courses in their Transferology profile look for matches from your institution and discover that you haven’t yet supplied an equivalent, we make a note of it (and which courses didn’t have a match) whether the student proceeds to request more information from you or not. The Unknown Equivalencies report presents institutions with a list of these unmatched courses.
By default, the report is filtered for the home state of your institution and limited to the most recent three months, but you can easily view the information either by a specific state, or globally, and you can change the date filter to include courses all the way back to our Transferology Launch in March of 2014. The report can also be printed or exported to Excel so that you can work offline to create equivalencies for the courses students are actually interested in transferring to your institution.
This is just one of the ways that Transferology helps you target the course evaluations that matter most to the students. Work smarter, not harder, and attract more students by supplying the answers to their specific credit transfer questions!