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Product Updates–u.achieve®

by | Nov 9, 2015 | Product announcements

Product Updates--u.achieve® u.achieve release on November 16 addresses approximately 150 enhancements and improvements across the Suite and within individual applications. Below is a summary of important highlights from the release:
A new report has been added to the Dashboard reports area that is similar to the Find Course utility results found in the u.achieve Client.
A new enhancement for including course title (when one exists) and a segment location for transfer articulation courses.
When building roadmaps in, setting the default text for both requirements and sub-requirements has been improved.
A new config option also allows for hiding the Notifications page altogether.
u.achieve Self-Service
Self-Service can now be configured to include planned courses from the student’s default plan when allowing the option to Include Planned Courses in Self-Service when requesting an audit.
When submitting an audit from the Exceptions From the Audit area, the audit is now submitted in the same manner that the original audit was requested as opposed to assuming it is a What-if audit.
In Self-Service Batch, users may now share a batch with any defined users or groups of users.

Want More Detail?
Visit the Support Center for complete Release Notes on the u.achieve Suite:


  1. Could you send me link to future release dates? We are considering upgrading to but will wait a bit if a new version will be out soon.

    • Hello Dennis,
      Thanks for reaching out. Please contact our Senior VP of Product Development who manages our product release schedule for details on future release dates: Dale Peters, da**@co***********.com

  2. Hello, we’re currently an Ellucian Degree Works customer and may have reached the performance limits of that solution. Already in contact with Conclusive Systems regarding their Advisor alternative, I’m looking for technology insights for how far CollegeSource has gotten re-writing DARS as a multi-entity/tenant SaaS application. We run four Degree Works instances, one for each separately accredited entity comprising the Univ. Alaska System, and our student headcount is nominally 32,000 persons. Thanks, Rory


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