Product Updates–u.achieve®

by | Feb 12, 2016 | Product announcements

uAchieve ApplicationThe u.achieve release on February 29, 2016, addresses over 100 enhancements and improvements across the Suite, with primary emphasis on Self-Service and Batch. Below is a summary of important highlights from the release:
u.achieve Self-Service

  • When creating exceptions in the exceptions area of Self-Service, AuthID and AuthDate will now autopopulate to match the same behavior as when creating exceptions from the audit.
  • The Program Matcher determines the Total Hours Requirement for the degree program based upon chart category encoding and uses estimated hours for the number of hours required to complete the program.
  • Improvements have been made to how the Program Groups are generated in Program Matcher so as not to include skip words.


  • What-if Batch functionality per student now allows for specifying a dprog and catlyt on a per student basis rather than for the entire batch and as opposed to simply running the student’s declared program.
  • New config option to Clone a batch allows the user to either rerun the current results and replace them or rerun new results and assign them a new jobID and new date.
  • Improved canceling of audit requests only allows those users who have personally requested specific audits to cancel those audit requests.
  • Performance improvements to generating Batch results and navigating between tabs within the application.


  • Added ability to generate a second report (1- or 2-column TXT, HTML, or PDF) from a single audit run.
  • Added ability to modify a sub-requirement’s estimated hours via an exception.
  • New ability to preserve a student course’s reported grade if set in the Student Data Loader.
  • Implemented USEOROPT, which is required for NCAA verification encoding.
  • New DUPLCTL option of “P,” which is similar to “B”est Grade but uses GPA to determine best grade instead of GPA Points.

Want More Detail?
Visit the Support Center for complete Release Notes for the new release:


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