We are ringing in the New Year with the release of uAchieve 4.5.2 on January 15, 2019. Although this is a minor release, we’ve successfully addressed over 200 enhancements and improvements across the uAchieve degree audit and student planner!
- Introducing the Transcript Importer for streamlining transfer evaluation
- New custom audit report templates
- Improvements to the Admin help area, including the following:
- New ability to theme your web apps with custom color selections that are accessibility-friendly
- New configuration option can define what condition code gets assigned to planned courses when requesting an audit that includes planned courses from the student’s declared plan
Additional highlights:
- Improved Planned Course Demand report now allows you to “drill down” to additional levels of detail to learn more about students with a specified course on their plan, and whether the plan is approved
- Extended the FULL versus RESTRICTED settings on existing Batch app functions setting up group or user access to all batches, as opposed to more restricted access to your own batch or shared batches
- New ability to delete groups of courses (AND/OR/RANGE) within a roadmap
- When building roadmaps, a new filter allows hiding of pseudo courses when hidden course filters are enabled to show on the audit
- Planned courses no longer decrement hours on the roadmap if the roadmap requirement’s linked audit sub-requirement doesn’t require anything
uAchieve 4.5.2 Webinar
Register now for our free webinar to learn about the new features and enhancements in 4.5.2!
When: Tuesday, January 22, 2019, at 2:00 p.m. EST
If you have any questions in the meantime, please feel free to email us.
Want More Detail?
See the complete release notes for uAchieve 4.5.2:
- Dashboard 4.5.2 Release Notes
- uAchieve 4.5.2 Release Notes
- Planner 4.5.2 Release Notes
- Schedmule 4.5.2 Release Notes