uAchieve 5.2.1 provides accessibility updates and exciting improvements to Planner
uAchieve 5.2.1 will be released April 22, 2025, and will be available to uAchieve Cloud customers and institutions running uAchieve on-premises. This maintenance release will contain over 70 updates to Planner and Self-Service functionality.
Accessibility improvements
In partnership with Level Access manual testers, over 15 updates to accessibility across the uAchieve product solutions have been identified and completed, supporting our continued commitment to WCAG 2.2 Level AA compliance.
Ability to index multiple catalog editions
Institutions can now select multiple catalogs to index for use in Planner, allowing users to create a more robust plan for students to meet degree requirements.
Enhanced functionality in Planner
Improvements to Planner functionality have enhanced user options when creating student plans, resulting in a stronger Planner solution.
Updates include:
- New configurations within Planner to define and customize plan templates.
- More efficient distribution of courses across plan terms.
- Better handling of zero-credit courses in requirements.
Additional improvements
Other features of the 5.2.1 release include:
- uAchieve Self-Service
- Course Index Search columns now appear in alphabetical or numerical order and are able to be sorted by ascending or descending values.
- A Student ID can now be displayed in the Audit Header on an audit.
- MSSQL and dbtools server updates.
Release notes
Detailed release notes will be available within the uAchieve Support Center on the day of the release.
If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact us.
Get in-depth training on uAchieve at our annual conference
Want to “Level Up” your skills in uAchieve? Users attending this year’s conference on June 16-19, 2025, are invited to participate in our pre-conference intensives on various topics including the NEW uAchieve Degree Audit Encoding Primer (6-hour/Full day) and Advanced String Table Rules (3-hour/Afternoon session).