The Client Advisory Board, or “CAB,” is comprised of 4-7 individuals who serve as a liaison between CollegeSource and its base of software users. The CAB meets routinely to discuss client feedback, company vision and stability, the products themselves, and the overall health of the community.
For some time we have been extending the terms of CAB members as needed to create more continuity within the CAB. This year, at the conference in Boston, we decided to make that process more formal. Beginning with the 2015-16 conference year:
- CAB members will serve 3 year terms
- The rotation will be managed, as much as possible, to refresh two members each year (two outgoing, two incoming)
The extended terms will allow CAB members to initiate and complete personal projects, better capitalize on the knowledge gained during their rookie year, and generally have a more complete professional development experience. The benefits to the company are equally important. We feel like CAB members don’t really “hit their stride” until after their first conference as a CAB member, and we would like to have them serve an extra year as a mature liaison between the community and CollegeSource.
A directory of current members and terms may be found in the Support Center.