Introducing a monthly tips & tricks column for CollegeSource products.
- You can get statistics on what users are requesting about your school in
To see statistics for general usage, equivalencies, and programs, log in with your Administrator account and go to the Statistics link at the top of the page. For more tips, we offer a free online tutorial for advisors—pass it along!
- AND’d courses aren’t really “AND’d” in hours- or GPA-based requirements in u.achieve/DARwin
The requirement to complete a “set” of courses created by the And (&) MATCHCTL value is only honored when the requirement is looking for count (a count of sets). If the requirement is looking for hours or GPA, it can be satisfied without completing an AND’d set.Find out even more about ANDs in the 2012 User’s presentation Ands, Ors, and Ranges—oh MY.
- You can share your own tips and tricks
Send tips about any of our products that you’d like to share with your fellow users to Ch****@Co***********.com and you could win a guest author spot in this column!