Did U Know? COM Table Defaults and Special Characters

by | Jul 9, 2013 | Training

Did U Know? COM Table Defaults and Special CharactersYou Can Look Up COM Table Field Defaults in the Support Center?
We have published a document in the CollegeSource Support Center that lists all COM Table fields with their default values. This document includes new COM Table fields that have been introduced by u.achieve and indicates when the default value is different in DARwin and u.achieve. It is the second document in the grid on the u.achieve Functional Documentation page.
Certain Special Characters Can Cause Interactive Audit to Have Trouble Displaying Titles?
With DARwin, ampersands and apostrophes in the Category Name, Requirement Name, Web Title, and sub-requirement text lines cause formatting problems in bar charts. The plus (+) or forward slash (/) symbols may be used in place of the ampersand, and the grave accent or ”backtick” (`) may be substituted for the apostrophe. With u.achieve, apostrophes no longer cause any problems.
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