You Can Create Course Lists in u.achieve®/DARwin for Use Only in® Roadmap Building
Sometimes, you may need to build Roadmap requirements in that are not required on the audit. For example, you may want to help students plan for prerequisite courses that do not satisfy a direct audit need.
Simply create a standard course list in u.achieve with the list of courses. Even if this requirement is never referred to by any degree program, it can be accessed in and added directly to a Roadmap. When a student Plan using courses from the list is validated, the roadmap requirement is shown as satisfied.
In a specific example, let’s say your institution requires that every student take any foreign language 104 course. Though not named in the requirement, some students may need to take the prerequisite courses: 101, 102, and 103. To include the 101, 102, and 103 courses in the Roadmap for student planning purposes, you will first want to create a course list in u.achieve consisting of all 101, 102, and 103 language courses.
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