Did U Know? How to Create Audit Flags.

by | Mar 19, 2013 | Training

You can create audit flags for user-defined condition codes in u.achieve®/DARwin.
u.achieve/DARwin automatically assigns audit flags associated with many reserved condition codes (e.g., RP to indicate duplicate courses and >X to indicate when a course has had credit and count stripped during processing).
To create your own flags to signify the presence of user-defined condition codes on the audit:

  1. Set COM.RPTCFLG to Y to indicate you are taking control of condition code flags. (This also allows up to five flags to appear with each course.)
  2. Set up to 28 condition code flags using the following conventions (don’t forget to include all default reserved condition code flags you want to keep):

➢ Set COM.CCn (where n=1-28) with the condition code value (i.e., the character stored on CONDTB-RES, CONDTB-US1, or CONDTB–US2).

➢ Set COM.CCOVRn with the condition code flag (up to three characters) to be assigned to the value in CCn.

Did U Know? How to Create Audit Flags.
Watchouts with this process include:

  • If you set COM.RPTCFLG to Y, you are taking control of all reserved condition code flags and none will print unless they are entered in CCn & CCOVRn—so don’t forget to list the default reserved condition code flags you wish to keep.
  • The field number (n) identifies the order in which flags will report when more than one could apply.
  • To report only one flag per course when taking custom control of flags, set the following COM Table fields:
    • TEXTORDER1 to 0001
    • TEXTPNT1 to Y
    • SKIP1CHR to X

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