On Wednesday, June 6th, the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education in conjunction with CollegeSource, Inc., launched its website for college-to-college transfer, KnowHow2Transfer.org.
The website is designed to communicate in-state transfer scenarios, including course-to-course equivalencies and degree pathways linking Kentucky’s community and technical college associate degrees to related baccalaureate degrees offered by its public universities. Through the website, Kentucky students can also explore credit awards for Advanced Placement and College Level Examination Program tests.
State legislators, university and college presidents, and the staff of the Council on Postsecondary Education gathered at the council offices in Frankfurt to officially launch the site. Council President Bob King promises that KnowHow2Transfer “takes the guesswork out of transfer,” saving students time and money in pursuit of a degree. Dr. Michael B. McCall, President and CEO of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System, called the site a “big deal,” heralding a new era of cooperation between Kentucky’s community colleges and universities.
KnowHow2Transfer.org utilizes data from TES®, the Transfer Evaluation System designed by CollegeSource and used by thousands of campuses nationwide. TES® draws on the company’s database of more than 50 million course descriptions to aid credit evaluators in making accurate and speedy decisions that benefit transfer students.
The Council produced the attached press release on Wednesday.