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Product Updates – u.achieve® 4.2.1

by | Sep 30, 2014 | Product announcements

uAchieve 4.5.1 - Product UpdatesThe u.achieve Suite 4.2.1 release addresses over 150 enhancements and improvements across the Suite and within individual applications. Across the Suite of web applications, updates have simplified the skinning of applications to match the desired look and feel. The Help link on the menu, while strongly recommended to be customized to clients’ own Help documentation for the u.achieve Suite, now defaults to an Installation and Configuration verification page for testing purposes only.
Below is a summary of important highlights from the 4.2.1 release.
The Dashboard in 4.2.1 has two new reports for RPTINSTID: duplication RPTINSTID values and all RPTINSTID values.
In, course alerts are “on” for pre- and co-requirements, including the advanced AND/OR pre-/co-req. Performance improvements were also made to the Manage Plans page, along with continuous improvements overall with regard to connection handling.
u.achieve Self-Service
In Self-Service, when adding Transfer Courses, the last SOURCE_ID or institution used is remembered for all courses being added afterward. This behavior is similar to that of the u.achieve Client. Continuous improvements to connection handling for u.achieve were also implemented.
u.achieve Client
The condition description area in the u.achieve Client recognizes and provides a documentation space for COM.CONDTB-US3 and COM.CONDTB-US4 in 4.2.1. The condition code field is now included for data entry on both course list areas of the academic record as well as course details. A specific issue regarding deleting multiple courses that was causing the focus to change to sub-requirement was also resolved.
u.achieve Server
The Reference Articulation “Select From” now includes the display of courses from an alternate source institution. Also, the complex AND/OR logic in sub-requirements courses is now improved. Performance improvements in Server processing were made, as well as providing delete audit scripts.
Want More Detail?
Visit the Support Center for complete Release Notes on the u.achieve Suite: