TES® Updates: Improved Course Change Explorer

by | Mar 27, 2017 | Product announcements, Training

Keeping equivalencies up to date can be a daunting task. Your Institution’s catalog changes and so do those of other institutions across the country. This can make keeping articulation agreements up to date a very labor intensive process. TES® provides some great tools to help you out.
The health check reports available in equivalency batch editor enable you to keep your equivalencies up to date with changes in your catalog, ensuring that your equivalencies always point to the most up-to-date versions of your courses. Similarly, the Course Change Explorer in TES helps you keep equivalencies up-to-date with changes in other schools’ catalogs.
Located on the search tab, Course Change Explorer enables a user to compare two different editions of an institution’s catalog.  Results are displayed in three different categories: Changed, Dropped and Added.
The changed list displays the differences between course codes that exist in both editions. Exactly which parts of the course have changed are indicated in the resulting report’s columns. TES checks title, description, credit units, prerequisite, co-requisite, lecture hours, lab hours, course recommendation, offerings, grade basis and department for even the slightest change. This presents the viewer with a lot of information. However, we’ve recently made some changes to make the tool more useful to you and easier to read.
We updated the display to include only courses that were changed, by default. (Courses for which there were “no changes” are hidden until you ask to see them.) This results in far fewer pages of results to review.  If you prefer to see the courses that didn’t change, the expanded list is only one click away.
TES® Updates: Improved Course Change Explorer
To see the exact details of what changed for each course, click the view button next to the course code and you will be taken to a page that details and highlights the changes. Text that was added to the most recent edition will display in blue and text that no longer appears will appear in red.  If you need to, you can start an evaluation task or create a new equivalency for the updated version of the course by using the footprints or puzzle piece icons at the top of the screen.

The “Dropped” list indicates course codes that no longer appear in the latest catalog.  These courses may reference equivalencies that you want to delete or date cap (change the end date to make them no longer effective). You can then use the Batch Editor to find all the equivalencies for these courses and make all the necessary changes in one transaction.
The “Added” List indicates new courses codes that didn’t appear in the previous catalog. These are brand new courses ready to be evaluated for the first time. By clicking into the detail view of a course, you can get that process started with an evaluation request, or create the equivalency on the spot.
Be sure to watch this, the CollegeSource news feed. More changes are on the way for this valuable tool in the near future.


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