It’s hard to believe Transferology was launched just 30 days ago! In the brief time since the site went live there has been a tremendous amount of user activity; here are some preliminary statistics worth considering.
During the month of April there were 35,446 accounts created and 325,909 courses added. That’s an average of 9 courses per account, roughly translating to 27 credit hours per student. As statistics grow, we expect to form a clearer picture of what kinds of students are searching for transfer information in Transferology nationwide.
For instance, will the accounts hover around the average or have a flatter distribution of students with accounts at one end of the spectrum containing only a few courses and those at the other end showing three or more semesters of work? How many accounts contain courses from more than one institution? How many of the accounts contain exams, advance placement, and/or military coursework? How many reach the site from our member institutions’ referral links and how many drift in from the broader Internet? All of these are critical questions, not only for better understanding the population but for providing better service. What we know at this point is that thirty-five thousand accounts in a single month is a lot – more than were typically created in a good year of usage!
We can see from our statistics that students using Transferology searched for course matches 117,975 times and viewed match details 98,048 times. That means 83% of the time that students saw a list of schools with matches to their coursework they continued on to look at the specifics of how those courses transferred. What did the other 17% do? Did they go back and add more courses before continuing? Did they not see the school they were looking for and stop using the tool? Again, we will be studying these kinds of behaviors in the future.
Aside from researching course-to-course equivalencies, students viewed 20,363 institution profiles, ran 9,433 plans, and made 882 requests for more information from participating institutions.
These are some exciting numbers but it’s really too early to start breaking them down or drawing any inferences. It’s been a great first month of usage and we look forward to not only learning more over the next year about transfer students, but sharing some of that information with you all. Until then, here’s a cool map that shows all the places in the U.S. from which users logged into Transferology in the first month!