Storing transfer credit equivalencies
On Tuesday, July 16, CollegeSource hosted the third session of the Let’s Talk Transfer community discussion series, where all transfer professionals (regardless of whether they use CollegeSource products) are invited to share their expertise and ask questions on transfer-related topics.
Interest in the series continues to grow. Over 600 college and university staff have signed up to participate, and over 238 individuals (including CollegeSource staff) were able to join the discussion live.

Breakout for the Student Information System, Colleague, at the July 16, 2024, session of Let’s Talk Transfer.
Topics of discussion
This month’s discussion focused on storing transfer credit equivalencies and opened with four poll questions.
1. How many transcripts does your institution process per year?
2. How many staff support this effort?
Staff from 98 colleges and universities reported processing between 200 and 200,000 transcripts within a year, with a range of 1-20 employees supporting this work. The median number of transcripts processed by an institution was 5,000 with the support of 4 staff.
3. Where do you store your transfer credit equivalencies?
Attendees reported storing their equivalencies within the following systems:
One attendee noted using Excel as a quick reference during an integration project, while another indicated they update equivalency data in Excel before putting it into TES.
4. What is your Student Information System (SIS)?
Attendees reported their institutions use the following Student Information Systems:
Examples given of “Other” systems were Anthology Student, CampusNexus, and Ellucian PowerCampus.
Storing transfer credit equivalencies
The main topic of discussion centered on storing transfer credit equivalencies. Attendees were eager to discuss:
- Processes for importing equivalencies from TES to Student Information Systems.
- Tips for getting administrative buy-in for storing equivalencies in a system.
- Using the TES Evaluation Tracker workflow to review transfer credit.
- The discussion also touched on setting up Priority Departments for faculty evaluators and recording credit conversions within User Added Admin Notes in the TES Institution Profile.
At the midway point, attendees joined breakout rooms based on Student Information System to further the discussion. Some attendees opted to stay in the main room to talk about their use of PeopleSoft. We apologize for being unable to record the Workday breakout session. A recording for Jenzabar is also unavailable since no attendees joined this breakout room and instead participated in other discussions.
Watch the recording
Register now to access the July 16 recording, including the transcript, chat log, and breakout session recordings.
Upon accessing the recording, please see the sidebar transcript for the link to view breakouts.
Join us again in September
The next session of Let’s Talk Transfer will take place on Tuesday, September 17, at 1 p.m. ET and will focus on non-traditional credit.
Poll head’s up
We will start with a poll asking how many undergraduate students attended your institution during the 2023-2024 academic year. We will also ask what types of non-traditional credit your institution awards. Please come ready with this information to share with your peers.
Series registration
If you previously registered for the series, the Zoom link provided can be used to access all future sessions in 2024, and you will receive email reminders about the individual sessions. If you haven’t yet registered, see the link below. Recordings will be available for those unable to attend.