We are excited to announce that a new CollegeSource support website is on the way. Arriving later this fall, support.collegesource.com will be a launchpad to get answers to frequently asked questions, search product documentation, access how-to guides, register for webinars, see product release notes, submit a case, or simply contact us.
Articles categorized as ‘Product announcements’
Product Updates – Transferology™ 1.7
The Transferology 1.7 release on August 8, 2017, will consist of nearly 100 enhancements and improvements, including the new Transfer Pathways feature.
Introducing uAchieve 4.4.1!
The new uAchieve 4.4.1, released on May 23, 2017, contains over 100 exciting improvements, including Batch updates!
Product Updates–uAchieve® 4.4.1 Release
The uAchieve 4.4.1 release on May 23, 2017, contains over 100 exciting improvements and enhancements to uAchieve applications.
TA Encoding Issue, May 2017
A recent issue with data deletions was brought to our attention that can lead to potential loss of TA encoding data.