Beginning January 1st, 2021, CollegeSource will no longer be offering Micro Focus licenses for sale or renewal.
Product Updates – uAchieve
The new uAchieve is a maintenance release slated for September 15, 2020.
A Look at uAchieve Intermediate Training – Now Accessible From Your Home or Office
The upcoming uAchieve Intermediate Encoding Workshop in September will be fully virtual—though this won’t be our first time at the rodeo taking our advanced training online. Let’s take a look at how our first virtual encoder training went this past month.
Clarifying uAchieve Support in 2020
To achieve more clarity in communicating our support commitments, we have identified three levels and three types of support available for each version of uAchieve.
Special Processing Options for Grading Policy Changes
Many institutions must now handle grading schemes outside of normal policies due to changes and interruptions stemming from the COVID-19 outbreak. To assist in troubleshooting these changes, CollegeSource has created a list of scenarios and encoding solutions.