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A successful week of valuable discussion on transfer topics
Read the recap and hear what attendees had to say about the 2023 Transfer Week Webinar Series that included free presentations and panels on transfer topics featuring Higher Ed professionals. Although the live sessions have finished, the recordings are available to watch now!
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Level up with training courses, certifications, and mentorships!
Just because the annual conference is over doesn't mean there aren't opportunities left in 2023! Our schedule is filled with opportunities for professional development designed to meet your needs and complement your schedule.
Read MoreCollegeSource announces the winners of the 2023 Sourcie Awards, recognizing exemplary achievements with CollegeSource products
CollegeSource is delighted to unveil the winners of the 2023 Sourcie Awards, honoring exceptional schools, organizations, and professionals within the user community who have demonstrated remarkable achievements in leveraging CollegeSource products in transfer and degree achievement.
Read MoreResources for communicating transfer articulation rule details in Transferology
Here are a few resources that institutions subscribing to Transferology can use to help convey the details of transfer articulation rules to students including Glossary Messages and memos.
Read MoreThere are less than two weeks to the CollegeSource Annual Conference!
There are just a few days left until the 2023 CollegeSource Annual Conference. Take a look at what you can expect during the week.
Read MoreAsk the experts at the CollegeSource Annual Conference!
Get your questions answered by CollegeSource and your peers from colleges and universities across the country at the 2023 CollegeSource Annual Conference.
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