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In the news: System roles in transfer partnerships and pipelines
In this Inside Higher Ed article, Holly Pflum, Transfer Initiative Coordinator at the University of Illinois System, shares how the system positively impacts the lives of transfer students through various collaborative initiatives.

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Changes to the TES Support Center
We have taken steps to improve the navigation within the TES Support Center. As we continue to grow the knowledge base, our goal will be to ensure that documentation is always easy to use, clear, and thorough.
Read MoreIn the news: Being recognized for her work
In this Roundup News article, learn about Cristina Castelo Rodriguez, Ed.D., of Los Angeles Pierce College and the recognition she received from CollegeSource for Superior Work in Advancing Statewide Transfer Evaluation.
Read MoreProvide ideal transfer services with the help of TES, Transferology, and uAchieve
The Transfer Policy & Practice Audit Tool is a resource from NISTS that assists institutions in reviewing policies and practices affecting transfer students. Learn how CollegeSource solutions are helping schools meet the ideal states recommended in the new tool.
Read MoreRegister now for the 2022 Transfer Week Webinar Series
The 5th annual Transfer Week Webinar Series starts Monday. Register today for this free virtual series which includes a daily transfer-focused webinar featuring industry experts, plus live demonstrations of transfer tools.
Read MoreMeet us on the road this fall
We are so excited to meet face-to-face with everyone as we attend various Higher Ed conferences across the country this fall. View our schedule for the next couple of months to see if we will be at a conference near you!
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Join the Client Advisory Board
We are seeking new members from our user community to serve as liaisons to our users. Apply to join the board today!