Searching for a school used to be a manual, hit or miss process for students. Transferology™ allows a student to start with the courses that they have already taken or are planning to take and provides three ways to find a school and to see how their prior learning experiences may transfer.
The New Website is Launching Soon
We are excited to be launching a new design of the website! We’ve been working hard to bring you something that is both beautiful and functional. This article highlights the most notable changes and some of the best new features.
Tips and Tricks: What’s App, Transferology?
Did you know you can add Transferology to your mobile device’s home screen? Also, why doesn’t CollegeSource release Transferology as an “app?”
Spring Conference Wrap-Up
CollegeSource has wrapped up another very busy Spring Conference season. We always enjoy getting the chance to visit with everyone face to face and also learn more about what is happening in our industry.
CollegeSource Goes Live with Transferology™
CollegeSource is proud to announce the launch of Transferology, a new hosted solution providing course transfer information to the higher education community. Transferology is a nation-wide network that allows transfer students to quickly and easily see how their college courses will be accepted by other institutions within the network.