Tools for Higher Ed institutions

Streamline transfer credit and the path to graduation

Join over 2,000 institutions of higher education serving millions of students and staff using CollegeSource technology for transfer articulation and academic degree planning.


Solutions for student success

See how staff at colleges and universities use our software to create a better experience for students as they plan their academic careers.

Solutions for student success

See how staff at colleges and universities use our software to create a better experience for students as they plan their academic careers.


“Level Up” at the  Annual Conference

June 16-19, 2025 • San Diego, CA

Join your peers from institutions nationwide on June 16-19 in San Diego, CA, for 4 days of rigorous training sessions and exciting networking activities. All users who register now can catch the Advanced rate.

Boost graduation with uAchieve

uAchieve is a hosted degree planning solution with real-time SIS integration. The latest version includes a new Planner, which auto-creates plans for students directly from degree audit requirements and integrates with TES, the Transfer Evaluation System, for quicker course evaluation. Learn more about the latest release of uAchieve 5.2, now available to uAchieve Cloud customers and institutions running uAchieve on-premises.


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Explore the new CollegeSource website

Explore the new CollegeSource website

Our newly refreshed website is now live! We have redesigned the CollegeSource website to make it easier for Higher Ed professionals like you to find information about our transfer and degree planning tools, as well as access resources for training and support.

Upcoming events

Explore events including introductory and training webinars, workshops, certification courses, and conferences.

Virtual uAchieve Encoding Workshop


Enjoy the benefits of an on-site encoding workshop—same content, live lectures, question/answer/discussions, hands-on exercises and troubleshooting, printed learner guide—all from the comfort of your home or office.

Let’s Talk Transfer: Community Discussion Series


March 2025 | Join us at our community-driven session to ‘talk shop,’ taking place on the third Tuesday of every other month. This virtual event is for transfer professionals to connect, share best practices, gather resources, and address critical issues facing transfer students.

TES Office Hours


Stop in to discuss any TES-related topics or questions and they'll be answered on a first-come, first-served basis. You are also welcome to listen in to what others are asking.

Upcoming events

Explore events including introductory and training webinars, workshops, certification courses, and conferences.