Suggest a topic
Tell us what session topics you want at the conference

Each year, we spend this time gathering topics for sessions that best fit the needs of our user community based on where our products stand today, the current climate of higher education, and suggestions from our individual users.
We want to hear from you
If there is a product topic or industry subject you would like to see presented at our annual conference, please take a moment to suggest a session topic below. For context, a general session takes place during the conference week and is 45 minutes in length. This is your chance to ensure the conference is tailor-made for you, so please share your ideas.
Additionally, if you would like to present on a topic based on your personal experience and successes using a CollegeSource product, please submit a presentation proposal for the conference.
We are currently seeking presentation topics for the 2025 CollegeSource Annual Conference. Please submit your topic below.